◇ 体积小巧,便于携带,可具有数字2.4G和红外双接收功能(于EN-9906),同传接收时可按键发言沟通
Portable size, digital 2.4G and infrared dual-receiver (EN-9906 only), push-to-talk communication with simultaneous transmission.
◇ 多功能一体机,导游、同声传译、无线音乐耳机、无线采访,也可作为无线表决器
A tiny body combines all the functions of tour guide, simultaneous translation, wireless music headphone and wireless interview,it also can be used as a wireless voter.
◇ TFT液晶屏幕显示各种工作信息
TFT LCD screen to display all the working information.
◇ 支持19个语言通道,无需额外设备便可开一场多国领导会议
Support 19 language channels that can realize a multi-national leadership conference without additional e
◇ 语音可编程直选,一键可选择要收听的语种,适用于各种同声传译会议
One key to select language, suitable for variety of simultaneous interpretation conferences.
◇ 数位音码静音锁定技术,有效地避免了来自于手机、WIFI、蓝牙等设备的干扰
Digital locking technology, effectively avoids interference from mobile phones, WIFI, Bluetooth and other devices.
◇ 360°范围内一对一,一对多接收模式,无需布线,节约成本,可流动使用
One transmitter can communicate with one or several receivers in 360°range.
◇ 可三键表决或五键表决,带结果回传功能
Three-button voting or five-button voting with result return function.
使用电源 power supply 3.7V
工作频率 Frequency 2400MHZ
频道调节方式 Channel adjustment 数字调节 Digital
信噪比 SNR >80dB
失真 Distortion <1%
频率响应 Frequency response 20-15000Hz
耳机输出功率 Headphone output power 10mW
重量 Weight 40g
外形尺寸 Dimensions 82X52X11mm
发射距离 Transmit distance 空旷地大于100米 >100m in open area