◇ 集成了无线发言、无线收听、无线同传、无线表决,并具有表决结果回传显示功能及摄像跟踪功能
Combine the functions of speaking, listening, wireless simultaneous translation, voting, voting result display back and video tracking together.
◇ 具有MIC输入、LINE输入、耳机输出、LINE输出功能
With MIC input, line input, earphone port, line output.
◇ 一个增强型天线,可辐射上千平方,倾听CD音质的立体声音乐和语言
An enhanced antenna can fully cover a space of one thousand square metersand can receive stereo sound.
◇ 19个语言通道自由选择,操作简单直观,适合多语言同声传译
19 language channels, offeringeasy and convenient operation,is suitable for a multi-languages simultaneous interpretation conference.
◇ 可胸挂、可桌面放置、可手持流动,更具有百变的功能,放在充电座上面,即可像iphone一样,自动将话筒和喇叭转接到底座上,
The microphone has diversity using method: hand on the chest, put on the desk or hold it for mobile use. When put it in the charging dock as an ipone, The microphone will switched automatic to the base and work as a desk conference system.
◇ 内置锂电池,发言状态可持续8小时以上,可选择充电箱集中充电和储存,带过充保护
Built-in lithium battery can be operated continuously more than 8 hours under the speaking mode. Centralized charging and storage can be carried out when putting the e into the charging box after the meeting. The charge case is with overcharging protection.
工作频率 Work frequency 2.4G
频道数量 Channel Number 19
频率响应 Frequency response 20Hz-20KHz
比特率 Bit rate 16bit
动态范围 Dynamic Range 90dB
接收灵敏度 Receiver Sensitivity -90dBm
鹅颈长度 Gooseneck Length 340mm
桌牌尺寸 Electronic table card size 49mm*145mm
重量 Weight 0.5kg
电源 Power 内置3.7V锂电源或 AAA电池